“Did you know that vets are OVER-DOSING and OVER-VACCINATING our pets causing unnecessary illnesses and untimely deaths? It is time to start educating yourself and your Veterinarian.”
We have learned an extremely harsh lesson here at the Head Butt Hotel, emotionally and financially, suffering losses of many innocent victims who joined us, and were subjected to multiple vaccination overdoses throughout their lifetimes. This has prompted the focus of our attention, advocacy, and alliance with Dr. John Robb and the Protect the Pets Movement, our mandate of responsible vaccination protocols, and titer testing.
Most pet owners and the rescue community nationwide, are unaware of the health implications and untimely deaths, that any more than one rabies vaccination (let alone the mélange of other combined vaccinations) can and will cause, when administered by the Magic 8-Ball calendar date protocol that vets commonly perpetuate. Nor do pet owners realize, that it is in fact medical malpractice to administer a rabies vaccination booster without first checking a rabies titer, or that it is illegal to vaccinate a pet, without providing an informed consent receiving the pet owner’s consent prior to ever administering vaccinations.
This is a topic which most vets, would rather their clients not be educated on, given the extremely lucrative financial benefit, vaccinations bring into their practices; not to mention guaranteeing a lifetime of veterinary care, to provide for the illnesses the overdoses inflict on pets. Scientific research confirms that one rabies vaccination provides 7 to 10 years of immunity protection, if not a lifetime. Even one second booster blindly administered in the absence of bloodwork to confirm immunity protection or the necessity of a subsequent booster, constitutes an overdose, which will negatively impact and compromise the immune system. Whether the vaccination is a Pure-Vax (non -adjuvanted) or not, is irrelevant; the health of the pet involved will ultimately be affected, manifesting itself in one form of “dis-ease” or another. And this is one of the main causes of the escalating cancer rates of companion animals nationwide. Canine vaccinations are not dose appropriate by weight, meaning the same dosage is administered to a 7 lbs. dog as is given to a 125 lbs. dog. LET THAT SINK IN.
Further, the only difference between the 1- and 3-year vaccinations, is the number printed on the label. This is precisely the reason smaller breed dogs, are affected more readily with a mélange of side effects. The labeling of vaccines, clearly stipulates that they are only to be administered to healthy animals. This automatically exempts Fiv and Felv positive cats given their already compromised immune systems. So, when a vet refuses treatment for a sick pet, claiming the animal is not “up to date” on vaccinations, pushing to blindly update with a booster according to “state law”, this exhibits a gross negligence for the welfare of the pet, is mal-practice, and in complete disregard of what the (click for law) Rabies Control Act of South Carolina stipulates verbatim. This is information that veterinarians rarely share with pet-owners, let alone providing informed consents or the option of affordable titer testing thru Kansas State Veterinary Lab, being the ONLY method to confirm immunity protection. Some vets may offer the option of titer testing thru Antech and Idexx, at a premium price of $220 to cover the expedited service. But be aware, that Kansas State remains the diagnostic facility providing the processing of the Antech and Idexx titer testing lab work, after they in turn, forward the vials of blood to KSVL .
But again, pet owner be aware; few vets ever reveal this to their clients, given the income that vaccinations enable veterinary practices to realize, guaranteeing a client for the lifetime of the pet, attending to the illnesses and diseases they unnecessarily cause the pet to begin with. Bullying clients in the name of public safety, is no excuse for overdosing any animal, given the readily available and only definitive method to confirm immunity protection thru bloodwork. But please take the opportunity to question your vet, as to the frequency they in fact vaccinate themselves to insure their continuous rabies protection; ask if and how often they in fact check their own bloodwork after receiving their initial vaccination at the time of receiving their veterinary license. In the case of Dr. Robb, he was initially vaccinated for rabies when licensed in 1982, and currently remains safely protected, at a level 15 times higher, than the necessary and established protection limit requirements.
Please take the time to visit both the Protect the Pets and Titers for Pets websites. Both sites provide an incredible amount of information, from ordering titers for core vaccines to instructions for your vet to set up an account with Kansas State directly. As of January 2022, Dr. Robb began only offering titer services for his immediate Connecticut clients, and this is where the Titers for Pets organization has taken over. If you do not have an established Protect the Pets Vets in your area continuing to offer titer testing with Kansas State Veterinary Lab directly, titers can still be ordered online thru the Titers for Pets website, with the Healthy Dog Workshop (Dr. Laurie Coger), The University of Wisconsin Madison, or with HemoPet. But most importantly, please support the Titers for Pets and Protect the Pets Movement by helping to effect change of the antiquated state legislation in your state. Everyone’s individual advocacy is needed to revise the individual state rabies statutes nationwide, which are in fact, causing harm and deaths to pets nationwide.
And for our fellow residents, we would like to share for your reference the Rabies Control Act of South Carolina, Code of Laws, Title 47 Chapter 5. The verbiage of the Section 47-5-60 clearly provides for “continuous protection”, which can ONLY be confirmed thru diagnostic laboratory titer testing.
The Rabies Control Act of South Carolina: SECTION 47-5-60. Inoculation of pets; certificates and tags.
A pet owner must have his pet inoculated against rabies at a frequency to provide continuous protection of the pet from rabies using a vaccine approved by the department and licensed by the United States Department of Agriculture. The rabies inoculation for pets must be administered by a licensed veterinarian or someone under a licensed veterinarian’s direct supervision, as defined in Section 40-69-20. Evidence of rabies inoculation is a certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian. The rabies vaccination certificate forms may be provided by the licensed veterinarian or by the department or its designee. The veterinarian may stamp or write his name and address on the certificate. The certificate must include information recommended by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians. The licensed veterinarian administering or supervising the administration of the vaccine shall provide one copy of the certificate to the owner of the pet and must retain one copy in his files for not less than three years. With the issuance of the certificate, the licensed veterinarian shall furnish a serially numbered metal license tag bearing the same number and year as the certificate with the name and telephone number of the veterinarian, veterinary hospital, or practice. The metal license tag at all times must be attached to a collar or harness worn by the pet for which the certificate and tag have been issued. Annually before February first, the veterinarian shall report to the department the number of animals inoculated against rabies during the preceding year. The department, in conjunction with licensed veterinarians, shall promote annual rabies clinics. The fee for rabies inoculation at these clinics may not exceed ten dollars, including the cost of the vaccine, and this charge must be paid by the pet owner. Fees collected by veterinarians at these clinics are their compensation.
HISTORY: 1962 Code Section 6-125; 1952 Code Section 6-125; 1950 (46) 2406; 1969 (56) 803; 1992 Act No. 517, Section 1, eff September 2, 1992; 2002 Act No. 343, Section 1, eff July 3, 2002; 2010 Act No. 173, Section 1, eff upon approval (became law without the Governor’s signature on May 20, 2010).
Protect the Pets
Protect the Pets
Dr. John Robb, DMV