The Head Butt Hotel is a 501c3 nonprofit, dedicated to providing rehabilitation and residency; where each animal is treated as if they were our only pet. We are proud to be South Carolina's premier Integrated Protect the Pets rescue organization, mandating responsible vaccination protocols. Our only objective is to ensure the optimal health and wellness of our residents, to guarantee they live out their best lives ever, and to educate other pet owners and rescues, to do the same.




You can create an account to help through your purchases with a multiple merchant base.         

Directions to add the I-Give button to your Browser.


Once you have downloaded the iGive Button: You will see the tiny iGive Button icon that looks like a dandelion seed in your browser:


The Button

This tiny addition to your browser automatically tells participating stores that you want your shopping to support your favorite cause or charity.


Enhanced Search Results

Use Google, Bing, or Yahoo to find the stores and bargains you love. The Button highlights the stores and products that help – click the icon & shop!

 NOTE: If you don’t see the iGive Button, please review

“I installed the iGive Button but I don’t see it anywhere. What’s wrong?”

Next, visit any iGive store, such as QVC:

You will see the “iGive On” Button the lower right corner.

This means you are good to go!  Shop as you normally would.

Some stores require a confirming action that you want to donate.

If you see a large red iGive drop down telling you that you need to confirm your donation, please click “Confirm donation Click Now!” and continue shopping.

When you successfully link to a store via iGive.com, your visit will be immediately posted at Store Visits, which you can reach via Stats in the header of iGive.com once you are logged in.

Click on the “iGive On” Button for available live feed of coupons and to review any exceptions.

Click on the “seed icon” in your browser for helpful iGive site shortcuts.

(see also iGive – Mobile Devices for app information)

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